Creating New A/D or Hours Type Code

When modifying specific fields or deleting a Code on Allow/Deduct Code or Hours Type Code, a Warning Message will pop up. This allows you to confirm or cancel any changes you are performing:

  • Continuing with the changes via ticking declaration tick-box: This confirms that you understand that the configurations you made may be used for past, present, and future transactions that may trigger retro entries to be generated for employees having the corresponding Hours Type or A/D Code.
  • Cancelling the change: This removes any changes you made. You can then create a new Hours Type or A/D Code with new values in order to prevent any impact on retro entries.


    Areas to Consider

    When creating a new Allow/Deduct or Hours Type Code, there are several areas that may potentially be affected which you need to consider or set up:

    AreasOptional ActionsNavigation
    General LedgerSetup the General Ledger Primary Posting Rules. Payroll > Reference > General Ledger > Primary Posting > G/L Primary Post Payroll
    Setup the General Ledger On Cost Rules via any On Cost tables such as: Payroll > Reference > General Ledger > On Costs > Annual Leave Oncost, LSL Oncost, General Oncost 1, General Oncost 7
    Exclude the new Code from General Ledger Accruals/ Reversals.Payroll > Reference > General Ledger > GL Extras > G/L Accruals/ Reversals Exclude
    CostingInclude the new Code in the Costing Summary Report.Payroll > Reference > Costing > Costing Summary Groups
    Exclude the Code from the Costing Report.Payroll > Reference > Costing > Costing Report - Hours/Allowances to Exclude
    Exclude the Code from the Cost Centre Report. Payroll > Reference > Costing > Cost Centre Report - Hours and A/D Codes to Exclude
    Calculation RulesInclude the new Code in the calculation of Average Rate Rules. Payroll > Reference > Calculation Rules > Average Rate Rules
    Include the new Code in the calculation of GESA, Ordinary Pay, Super, etc. Payroll > Reference > Calculation Rules > Linked Earnings
    Set up the Calculation Method for the new Code.Payroll > Reference > Calculation Rules > Calculation Methods
    Allow/Deduct RulesInclude or set up the new Code in the calculation of A/D by Hours.Payroll > Reference > Allow/Deduct Rules > Allow/Deduct by Hours
    Link the new Code to a Super Provider by entering Super Provider Details.Payroll > Reference > Allow/Deduct Rules > Recipient Details
    SGCInclude or set up the new Code in the calculation of Superannuation Guarantee Contributions (SGC) Rules. Payroll > Reference > Superannuation Rules > SGC Codes > SGC Rules
    Payroll > Reference > Superannuation Rules > SGC Codes > SGC OTE
    Payroll > Reference > Superannuation Rules > SGC Codes > SGC S & W
    Payroll > Reference > Superannuation Rules > SGC Codes > SGC Super Links
    Prevent the new Code from appearing on Pay slips.Payroll > Reference > Superannuation Rules > SGC Codes > Remove SGC from Pay slip
    Time Set up a Time Code for the new Code.Time > Reference > General > Time Code Maintenance
    Include the new Code in the Time Interpreter Rule.Time > Reference > Preceda Time Interpreter > Daily Rule Groups or Pay Period Rule Groups
    Extract/ Crystal Include the new Code in saved extracts. Extractor Desktop > File > Open - Open the relevant extractors such as Hours Worked
    Other areas that may also need consideration when creating new A/D or Hours Type Code:
    • Retro
    • Integration Files including T&A Files
    • Report Manager Package
    • RDO/Leave Accrual
    • Salary Stepping